离婚本身 Without Minor Children
Dissolution of a marriage can be a very complicated process and it is advisable to speak with a lawyer before beginning any legal action in this Court. If you want the Court to grant your divorce, you must follow the law and complete each and every paragraph that applies to your case. If any of your documents are not completed, 签署, 公证, and filed as prescribed by the law, a judge cannot grant your request for a divorce, and may dismiss your case. If you still wish to proceed as a pro se litigant, please continue below.
By law, court personnel cannot give you legal advice, directions, or services. 因此, although you have the right to represent yourself, you are strongly urged to consult with an attorney.
1. Domestic Relations Case Filing Form (Clerk’s 申请费用 - $217.00)
2. Petition for Divorce Without Children
3. 验证 - 必须得到 公证
4. 服务 -见下文
5. Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit
Only required in a contested divorce when both parties cannot agree on alimony. In such a case, both parties must individually complete this document.
6. Settlement Agreement Without Minor Children
- If this is an uncontested divorce, then this Agreement must be 签署 and 公证 by both parties.
- If this is a contested divorce, then both parties will have to submit their own versions of this document.
8. 最终判决 & 离婚令表格
服务 is a required step where the Defendant is formally notified that the divorce action has filed. [Please complete, sign, and file either Option #1, #2, or #3]
选项1 - The Defendant is Cooperative: [Please complete both of these forms]
选项2 - 服务 by the Sheriff
- Defendant can be served in 桃县:
- Plaintiff must complete 2 forms in the 桃县 Clerk's Office and pay a $50.00费.
- Defendant cannot be served in 桃县:
- Plaintiff must arrange service directly with the Sheriff's office in the county where the Defendant can be found.
选项3 - Cannot Locate the Defendant = 服务 by Publication
- If you cannot locate the Defendant, your method of last resort is to serve the Defendant by publishing a legal notice. 服务 by publication may place certain limitations upon your case and may possibly restrict your ability to obtain certain kinds of relief such as child support and/or alimony. If you are able to locate the Defendant, you MUST either have the Defendant sign the 鸣谢 of 服务 form OR have the Sheriff complete service
- In addition to the normal filing fee, you must also pay a publication fee. Please check with the Clerk of the 高等法院 to get the current fee amount.